Premium ELITE office chairs
The premium line of ELITE office chairs brings more than high comfort for healthy and comfortable sitting in an elegant design. Each model has a wide range of adjustable options and a custom construction made of very durable materials.

Maximum concentration with Elite F
Elite F(ocus) office chairs will help you focus on work thanks to extensive customization options from the headrest to the Italian Donati mechanism. The backrest of the F(ocus) series is specially designed so that you can stretch out while sitting for a long time and relax your stiff muscles. In our line you will find colorful editions upholstered in Gabriel’s certified MedleyTM fabric, which combines aesthetic appeal with functionality and harmoniously combines beauty, comfort and performance.
Stylish seating.
Elite chairs
The Elite B(alance) line will meet the highest requirements for stylish seating at home or in the office. Thanks to the adjustable height of the seat, you can change the position between sitting and standing and thus prevent stiff muscles. The stable base allows for 360° rotation, so in addition to wobbly movement, you can move in concentric circles so that your back has more active movement. Thanks to the balanced movement of the Elite B chairs, they help reduce tension and back pain.
Healthy and comfortable.
Elite chairs for everyone.
Elite T office chair models have a lot of customization functions, from which everyone can choose according to their own preferences. The chairs have 3D or 4D adjustable armrests, an air lumbar support, a two-joint headrest or an abrasion-resistant fabric subjected to a stress test. The special model for stronger figures will appeal to anyone who prefers comfort in the form of above-standard space, multi-layer reinforcement or high load capacity of up to 200 kg.
Absolute comfort.
Elite chairs
The name of the elite line Elite H (ygge) symbolizes absolute comfort. The word Hygge has become a definition of Danish culture and lifestyle. Simply put, it’s a way to live well, comfortably, evenly and contentedly. You will also feel absolute comfort with our new Elite H (ygge) line, thanks to the extensive customization options for all parts of the chair that have been designed for the most comfortable seating. Their advantage is a self-weighting mechanism and a lumbar support formed by an air cushion.
Elite F
Elite H
Elite B high
Elite B low
Elite T1